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Put a leadership expert in your corner.

Individual Coaching

A leadership coach can be the perfect addition to the people in your life who encourage, educate and inspire you. Just like we all need mentors, teachers and friends, a leadership coach adds a deeper level of expertise to your life and career. A coach helps get you out of your comfort zone, focus on areas that might have been overlooked and be the catalyst to powerful transformations in your life.

ICAN’s Coaching Services Include:

  • Choice of In-Person/On-Site or Phone/Virtual format
  • Number of Sessions can range from a single coaching session to as many as desired. Pricing dependent on number of sessions.
  • Special pricing for alumni of ICAN’s Defining Leadership program.
  • Group Coaching available
  • Option to add-on various assessment tools (at additional cost), such as:
    • The LPI® 360
    • EQ-i 2.0
    • Emergenetics
    • Interpersonal Influence Inventory
    • Ethical Lens Inventory

Get Started

Stretch Yourself

Leaders need guidance, too. Coaches provide personalized, one-on-one learning opportunities that can unlock your hidden potential.

Leadership evolves — and so should you.

Grow into a confident, impactful, fulfilled leader by investing in a coach. Outcomes can include:

  • Clarity of vision and purpose
  • Insights on how to leverage talents and strengths
  • Tools to increase productivity and engagement of self and others
  • Motivation to produce superior results
  • An actionable, sustainable plan

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Keep your leadership skills updated at the ICAN Women’s Leadership Conference.


Be inspired — and inspirational. Connect with other leaders from across our community, and our region, at the ICAN Women’s Leadership Conference. Learn about the latest trends in leadership development and refresh yourself on the fundamentals. Hear from experts across many fields and get energized from the thousands of attendees who are leading and living with authenticity and intention.

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