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Powerful bursts of learning.

ICAN Leadership Learning Bursts help you cultivate your leadership talents, innovate and collaborate through top-tier, convenient powerful bursts of learning. Immerse yourself in a topic that is highly relevant to your business challenges or personal leadership development interests. These sessions are designed to offer access to inspiration, connection and motivation via a quick yet impactful experience.

Our open enrollment Summer 2025 virtual series is now available – see below for the topic series!

Looking for Team Options? Give an experience that synchronizes the hearts and minds of your most precious resource – your people. For details about Learning Bursts for Team Development please fill out the form below and you will be contacted with more information.Learn More about Learning Bursts for Teams


June 25 – Resiliency
July 23Communicating to Get Results
August 20 – Managing Conflict
September 24 – Setting Leadership Intention
October 15 – Your Manager Mindset Map
Session descriptions and faculty listed below. 

FORMAT: All Sessions are held from 10. A.M. – 12 P.M. virtually via zoom. Led by expert ICAN faculty via zoom, and we ask that you plan to have your camera on for lively, interactive discussions and activities.

PRICE: $99 per session.

Register for a single session or multiple in the series. Registrations can be made individually or for multiple participants across the series.

register now a learning burst session 

Resiliency | June 25

Faculty: Laura Roccaforte

Discover why resilience is essential in today’s work and world as you learn the key attributes of resilient people and resilient teams. You’ll learn the link between gratitude and building resilience and experience the benefits of resilience in the workplace.

Laura Roccaforte

Communicating to Get Results | July 23

Faculty: Sue Robach

How do you get your teams to move from compliance to commitment? In this session participants will learn 3
strategies to get their team members more committed and 6 steps to engage in outcome-based dialogue. Participants will work with a partner on an outcome-based dialogue plan and begin their team dynamic action plan.

Sue Robach

Managing Conflict | August 20

Faculty: Steve Wilson

Productive conflict is the lifeblood of innovation and progress, and this session will give participants 5 practical strategies to handle conflict in the workplace. Managing conflict well can lead to a positive work environment, improved communication, and increased productivity. Participants will take part in a useful exercise to reframe a past conflict through a 3-way approach. This session is back by popular demand after selling out in our Fall 2024 series!

Setting Leadership Intention | September 24

Faculty: Dawn Gelderloos & Sue Robach

In this session participants will learn how setting an intention can be an excellent tool to practice self-management and improve presence and impact at work. Participants will set their leadership intention, a statement about how they intend to apply the tools learned in this program, in a 3-step process through personal reflection, asking questions and crossing the line.


Dawn Gelderloos   Sue Robach

Your Manager Mindset Map | October 15

Faculty: Dawn Gelderloos

Good leaders know self-awareness is essential. What is your saboteur or inner critic saying to you? How do you limit yourself? Learn to listen carefully for your inner critic, identify that thinking and call it out.

In this module, there is reflection and discussion of both limiting and empowering beliefs and an exercise to create your own Manager Mindset Map. The session ends with an action around what you are taking with you today.

Dawn Gelderloos