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The Journey Continues

Andrea Chilcote

ICAN Faculty

Andrea holds three decades of experience in the organizational development, coaching and consulting field. Her notable work includes enterprise-wide organizational development initiatives as well as executive coaching, partnering with executives and their teams across a variety of Fortune 500 companies and diverse business sectors.

As a recognized, trusted partner who gets results, Andrea focuses on her client relationships. She has a track record of longevity and sustainability in connections with her clients. She meets leaders where they are on their development path, moving them beyond the superficial to integrated and sustainable growth and change.

"When Andrea and her team came out with What Leaders Need Now in response to the pandemic it was a game changer. Amongst the chaos came this calming, affirming, and strengthening program to build our resilience."

Two 3s Program Graduate

Andrea’s valuable insight and a no-nonsense, unbiased approach enables leaders to take the courageous steps needed to transform their work and their lives. She is direct and clear yet listens and guides her clients through a process of self-discovery and reflection.

Andrea gets inspiration from her clients’ determination and success. Their willingness to self-reflect, accept feedback, and cast new visions at all stages of their lives and careers inspires her to guide them. And she never tires of working with one who is committed. The work is not a job for her, it is a way of being.

After recognizing the effects during and after the pandemic, Andrea wrote and published her newest book, “What Leaders Need Now”, in 2023 as a response to what she was hearing and learning from leaders and their teams across the country. She continues her research in the areas of leadership qualities, practices and team/organizational cultures, and is the creator of the “Two3s Group Coaching Program.”

Her energy is derived from her environment. Andrea resides in Cambria, California with her husband and two Siberian Huskies. Nature is restorative for her. She spends her free time by the ocean and in the forest, hiking with the dogs. She has slightly more free time these days, after having spent six years leading a non-profit Siberian Husky Rescue. Animal welfare remains one of her most heartfelt causes.